Scitech Institute

Scitech Institute

Advancing STEM Education across Arizona

Through the many STEM programs available throughout Arizona, there’s a way for everyone to be an advocate for STEM advancement in their community. With the help of Little Taller, the Scitech Institute provides the connecting fabric between those events through the website, resources guide, and event marketing.

The SciTech Institute is a Phoenix-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting STEM education and awareness across Arizona. To promote their numerous statewide initiatives, the SciTech team needed a comprehensive website that was easy to navigate.

Sharing the SciTech Story

The website was designed to reflect the SciTech Institute brand, tell the story of their compelling mission, and highlight their award-winning, STEM-based programs for children and families.

Ongoing programs hosted by the SciTech Institute include the SciTech Festival, Chief Science Officers, STEM Little Free Libraries, Science For All, and ecosystem hubs and working groups.  Little Taller assists with ongoing web support to promote these programs.
A media section on the website features news articles, videos from the SciTech Institute YouTube channel, social media links, and the organization blog.
One of the organization’s biggest initiatives is the annual SciTech Festival. With various STEM-focused events hosted across the city of Phoenix over a number of days, the website serves as the main educational and promotional tool for festival participants.