

Connecting Sales Prospects with Happy Customers

Founded by a team with decades of enterprise sales success, Earmarkz helps sales reps more efficiently manage the process of connecting prospects to customers for references.

As a Little Taller Studio venture, EarMarkz grew from the ground up with support for design, research, and leadership training. Now a thriving software company, EarMarkz provides innovative enterprise solutions to connect sales prospects with happy, reference-ready customers.

Convenient Customer References that Close Deals

With decades of experience in enterprise sales, EarMarkz founder Josh intimately understands the challenges that need to be solved when it comes to closing a big deal. Too often in his sales career had he encountered a tedious customer reference request in the final stage.

Detailed customer profiles help sales reps manage the process of connecting prospects with the perfect customer advocates who can provide compelling, resonating references.
Connections between prospects and customer advocates can be managed through a Kanban-board-type interface so reps can easily track when meetings are scheduled and what transpired during the call.
Customer profiles allow reps to quickly access contact information, calculate monetary impact, and find customer advocates that closely match the prospect’s situation.

The main dashboard gives an activity overview so sales reps can quickly monitor how prospects and customers are connecting. Color-coded tags for activities like “Meeting Scheduled” and “Awaiting Feedback” help identify action items.